The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco

Pupils Take On Their First Duke of Edinburgh Challenge!

We'd like to offer a big thank you to the Royal Voluntary Service this half term, for speaking to our Year 9 and 10 pupils about the benefits of volunteering.


It was wonderful to hear all about the amazing adventures they facilitate and our pupils came away feeling inspired to take on the challenge of volunteering through the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

They were able to use all the new information they had learned to help them complete the voluntary service section of their Bronze Award.

 A group of pupils then rose to the challenge of completing their practice expedition a few weeks ago, which involved overnight camping and hiking as you can see in our photos below - well done team, we are looking forward to the qualifier!

We were especially proud to hear the activity provider say, “they are one of the most respectful groups we have ever had!"

To our parents and carers, if you would like to find out more about the Royal Voluntary Service for your children (or even to get involved yourself), you can find more information on their website by clicking the link below:

Royal Voluntary Service